Is It A Hair Bump?
Maybe you have recently had new a new partner/partners
and now you have noticed a bump or many bumps around your gential area. Don't jump to conclusions just yet! I know that you have already googled and self diagnosed your condition and have all these horrible thoughts/images burned into your brain; still with no conclusion to the mystery bump/bumps.
The Truth
It could be herpes or some other STD, but sometimes it's just an ingrown hair. We all know that shaving with a dull razor or no shaving cream can cause these red bumps to pop up around our genital area causing us some irritation.
When to call your doctor
Both hair bumps and herpes/STD lesions will fade over time, but most STDs will actually return if left untreated. On the otherhand, an ingrown hair will heal on its own. Either way, make a doctor's appointment to make sure you're not overreacting over a hair bump, or that you're not going untreated for an STD. It is important to tell your doctor if you are having an unusual discharge or want to be tested.
The Conclusion
You might leave the doctor's office feeling relieved that your hair bump almost made you abstinent, or you might face the reality that you have an STD that may or may not be curable, such as herpes, but is treatable.